Suzanne Foster Counselling Counsellor for Battersea, Clapham & Balham

Is Counselling right for you?

There are times in life when circumstances, situations or events, old or new can feel harder to deal with and can seem overwhelming. Talking things through with a trained and experienced counsellor can ease the sense of isolation you may be feeling and reveal unexpected resources of strength and insight. This can lead to more choice in dealing with problems.

Two things in life are rare. Time for yourself, and someone who will listen to what you have to say without jumping to give you directions and advice. As your counsellor I may at times ask questions, make observations or suggest ways forward. Mainly, however, I will provide you with a space that is just for you, listen to you and help you clarify and understand difficult thoughts and feelings.

By gradually understanding the meaning behind your actions, feelings and thoughts you may then have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of yourself and develop a more healthful and fulfilling future.

Clients often ask how long will counselling take. I cannot always say at the outset as each individual’s circumstances and issues are very different. Together we will explore what is right for you and monitor the work in progress. It is important that clients give counselling time in order to benefit fully. Deeply held beliefs and emotions can take time to unravel and make sense of.

To some extent the terms counselling and psychotherapy are interchangeable. Psychotherapy sometimes implies that the therapy will be longer and some practitioners also use the term to indicate a higher level of academic therapy training. It is not necessarily the case that someone who describes themselves as a psychotherapist will be more highly qualified or more experienced than someone who uses the term counsellor.


Everything said in the counselling room is completely confidential. The only exception is if a client seems to be at immediate risk of hurting themselves or others. Any disclosure will be discussed with the client first.

Please click here to read my qualifications.

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